December 14, 2007
Almond Joy and Mounds


SKOR Rating: 7
Manufacture: Hersey's
December 13, 2007
December 11, 2007

Original Abba Zabba Rating: 5
December 10, 2007
5'th Avenure

Milky Way

Type: Chocolate malt nougat topped with caramel and covered with milk chocolate
Manufacture: Mars Master foods U.S.A
Origin: U.S.A
Purchase from Daily City Target California
Soft creamy nougat with a taste of caramel in every chew. The flavored vanilla nougat is very pronounce. The caramel is stringy and delicious. The original milky way is sweet and creamy while the midnight milky way is bitter. I prefer the original over the midnight milky way. However, i can understand why the dark chocolate version is also very popular.
Milky Way is not my favorite chocolate bar because i find it too filling and rich. It is a bar by itself and definitely not a snack i can enjoy in between meals.
Rating for Original Milky Way: 8
Rating for Midnight Milky Way : 7
Big Pik-One
Salted Peanut Roll


Type:Butterfingers ( Crispety,Crunchety, Peanut-buteery)
Manufacture: Nestle
Origin: Venezuela
Purchase from Daily City Target California
Delicious and Salty. Crispy and crunchy caramel filling with creamy milk chocolate. The filling reminds me of Chick-O-Stick.
Rating: 9
Type: Butterfingers Crisp ( Wafers and Butterfingers Candy Creme)
Manufacture: Nestle
Origin: Venezuela
Purchase from Daily City Target California
This is my all time favorite chocolate bar. It is just soooo satisfying and delicious. The wafers are crunchy and crispy filled with sweet and salty peanut butter creme.

Origin: Philippines
Manufacture: Multirich Foods Corporation
Purchase from the local market in Philippines
I had this chocolate bar after a long night partying at the famous beach of Borocay in Philippines. I didn't remembered having dinner at all that night and was hungry as hell! My husband, Rod broke this bar into half and shared it with me.
All i remembered was how good it tasted. It was crunchy and delicious. We were munching our bar quietly and towards the end of the last piece, we were eyeing each other's hoping if ones' were willing to sacrifice and gave out the last bite. Rod gave it a 9 while i was sure the effect of alcohol and hunger impaired my taste bud , i gave it an 8.
Rating: 8