Origin: Japan
Purchase from Genki store in San Francisco
Type: Mini Strawberry and Chocolate triangle
I devoured each of these mini triangles. They were so darn good. It has a perfect combination of strawberry and chocolate flavor.
Rating: 10
Type: CHOCO BABY ( mini pellets chocolate milk )
They are so small and tiny. The chocolate is rich, soft and creamy
Rating: 10
Type: Coffee Beat ( Coffee flavoured chocolate)
I love coffee and chocolate. It comes in a coffee bean shape and have a strong coffee flavor. I love it!
Rating: 10
Type: M&M's Japanese version look a like
This is better than M&M's!! Each of these marbles is rich, creamy and milky.
Rating: 10
Type: Poiful ( Jelly Bean look alike candy)
Flavour: Grapes, Pineapples and Apples
This soft candy has a texture of Jelly Bean. I love the tropical flavour.
Rating: 10
Type: Lemon heads Japanese version
Sour and lemony in every bites
Rating: 10
Type: Strawberry Heads Japanese version look a-like
This light pink mini hard shell is crunchy and filled with rich strawberry sourness.
Rating: 10
Overall all of the candy and chocolate i had tested were beyond my expectations. Japan certainly produced a quality product.