Manufacture: Megadim, Elite Confectionery.
Purchased from a mini Ethnic mart at San Francisco.
The one on the far left with the yellow Hebrew writings is a 'wannabe' Cadbury Flake chocolate. It is a bar of thinly folded milk chocolate. It is very delicate and brittle. You have to be careful and try not to leave crumbs everywhere. However, it is too sugary and sweet for my taste. In this case, the sugar overpowered the chocolate.
Rating: 4
Type: wafer in milk chocolate
Origin: Israel
Manufacture: Megadim, Elite Confectionery
Purchased from a mini Ethnic mart in San Francisco
I was surprised and delighted when i tried this chocolate bar. It is quiet good. It has a think layer of chocolate and definitely milky and creamy. It is not too sweet which is great. The wafer is crunchy. Overall, a great snack!
Rating: 7
Type: chocolate bar with rice crisp
Origin: Israel
Manufacture: Megadim, Elite Confectionery
Purchased from a mini Ethnic mart in San Francisco
The chocolate abr in a red wrapper.
Not too bad at all. The chocolate bar is crispy with bits of rice crisp. There are plenty of rice crisp and they tend to stuck in your teeth.
Rating: 6
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